Session times

All sessions are run by Steiner and State qualified teachers.
Substantial organic home-cooked morning teas are provided, such as vegetable soup with homemade buns that the children help to prepare.

Kindergarten sessions

Sessions run from 8:30am to 2:30pm Tuesday to Friday, from 2 – 5 years.

We also offer some sessions during school holidays.

Please contact us for more information, or complete and return a waiting list application, if you would like your child to attend the kindergarten.

Please note there is no longer a waiting list application fee required.


The kindergarten is part of the Government’s 20 hours ECE scheme.

Additionally we ask for a donation. It costs us $7.50 per hour per child, additional to government funding received, to provide our quality kindergarten service and we request that parents consider this amount when making a contribution.

Parents can obtain a tax refund from Inland Revenue of 1/3 of the amount given, so long as the donor’s taxable income for the year is equal to or greater than the donated amount.

Your donation helps toward the costs of:

  • higher than regulation staff/child ratios
  • organic home-cooked food
  • high quality natural materials and crafted natural products
  • activities requiring additional time and preparation, such as puppet stories, festivals, birthday celebrations
  • strong parent liaison by way of parent evenings, newsletters, workshops and parent-teacher interviews


Throughout the year, festivals help foster a sense of reverence for the beauty of life and an understanding of the rhythms inherent in nature.

Term dates 2025

Term 1 Tuesday 21 January – Thursday 17 April

  • Waitangi Day Thursday 6 February
  • Friday 18 April Easter Friday

Term 2 Tuesday 29 April to Friday 4 July

  • King’s Birthday Monday 2 June
  • Matariki Friday 20 June

Term 3  Tuesday 15 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4 Tuesday 7 October to Friday 19 December

  • Labour Day Monday 27 October

2025 festivals

Dates and festivals still to be confirmed

  • Harvest – TBC

  • Mid winter – TBC

  • Spring – TBC

  • Summer/Spiral – TBC

Community events


Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to be updated about our latest events!